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Solidata is a microservice (a REST API) for data management and authentication based on access and refresh JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

solidata dsi


  • allow you to consume data from your own csv/xls files or external APIs ;
  • consolidate your data : apply your own datamodel, simplify columns, apply metadatas, … ;
  • share the consolidated datas on API endpoints with the level of openness you decide (opendata, commons, collective, private) ;
  • manage all your data and your recipes by projects ;
  • be able to manage projects by teams and share data/recipes/datamodels…


Solidata includes “out-the-box” some classic features related to user authentication

JWT (JSON Web Tokens) :

  • access and refresh token for security over all the app
  • RSA encryption (optionnal)
  • RSA encryption : server can send to the client a RSA public key for encryption client-side
  • RSA decryption : server can decode forms (login/register) encoded client-side with the RSA public key

Users management :

  • login / register user
  • anonymous login (optionnal) : sends a JWT for an anonymous use. Can be expected by server for routes with @anonymous_required decorator like /login or /register
  • confirm email (optionnal in dev mode): confirm user by sending a confirmation link (protected) in an email
  • password forgotten by sending a link (protected) in an email with redirection to new password form
  • reset password from client interface (protected) …


- on all API endpoints with Swagger (and some patience from the developer)

Features TO DO :

  • user :
    • edit user (working on)
    • edit email (protect email update)


  • Dataiku, Parabola, but they are proprietary solutions (and too complex for our purposes)… Not to mention they are very expensive…
  • Match ID, but the backend doesn’t resolve the “sharing” part with levels as [“opendata”, “commons”, “collective”, “private”], and no BDD to back up recipes