1 minute read


Before anything you need to install Apiviz-backend to serve your configuration to the frontend.

Set an new UUID

Generate a new UUID

you can use online websites like Online UUID Generator to do so

Create a .env file at the root and copy your UUID within

your .env fiel content


Build and run

You have two different options to run (locally) Apiviz on your computer/server : with Node or with Docker, depending where your heart leans…

option 1 - Build setup with Docker

Note : this configuration needs Docker previously installed on your computer/server

# install / stop / restart
make up # run app with Docker

Other options for managing the app with Docker

make restart # restart app with Docker
make down # stop app with Docker

… then check in your browser : localhost:3001

see also : memo for Docker

option 2 - build setup with Node/Nuxt

Note : this configuration needs Node previously installed on your computer/server

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
# get env vars from .env file
npm run dev

… then check in your browser : localhost:3001

Other options for deployment :

# overwrites .env file with env vars from script in package.json
npm run dev-test

# get env vars from .env file but overwrites NUXT_BACKEND_MODE as local backend served with Docker
npm run dev-docker

# build for production and launch server
npm run build
npm start

# generate static project
npm run generate

A new website from scratch based on a model

If you generated a new UUID (not based on the default UUID from the original repo) you should now see the Apiviz instance creation form (aka the dataviz website generator).

admin view

Now you just have to follow the instructions to generate a brand new data visualisation website, and in a couple of steps your website will be set up …

admin view